Press Release: Proven ROI on MACH Investment Drives Surge in Leadership Support
- MACH adoption sees stable growth despite economic volatility
- 91% of IT decision makers say MACH and composable technology will be instrumental to the success of their organization in the next five years
- 85% see clear evidence they are achieving ROI on MACH investment
March 11, 2024 - San Francisco - New York - London - Amsterdam - Berlin - MACH Alliance, the group of independent tech companies dedicated to advocating for open, best-of-breed technology ecosystems, announced today the results of its fourth annual global survey of IT decision makers. The results highlight growing leadership support for MACH (Microservices, API-first, Cloud native SaaS, Headless), along with sustained adoption and notable return on investment (ROI) for companies adopting it.
"MACH technologies are critical to ensuring resilience and agility for businesses navigating swift market changes now and in the future," said Casper Rasmussen, President of the MACH Alliance. "Sustained adoption is remarkable in an economic climate that at large has put substantial IT projects on hold. The outcomes of this year's survey confirm a steady pivot towards scalable, composable systems that cater to evolving end-user requirements, and those companies are seeing tangible payoffs from their investments in MACH.”
U.S. Edges Out Europe in Pace of Adoption
MACH continues to demonstrate stable adoption, with the pace of adoption in the U.S. slightly surpassing Europe over the past year. Respondents stating they have increased the percentage of MACH in their IT infrastructure has grown from 85% to 88% in the U.S., compared to 85% to 86% in Europe (year over year from 2023 to 2024).
In terms of industry adoption, retail is ahead of the curve with the highest investment in MACH, followed by professional services and financial services. This is evidence that the benefits of MACH are being experienced beyond retail and commerce, MACH’s initial stronghold.
Leadership Support Grows
Also notable, the survey found a reduction of internal resistance to adopting MACH architectures—a descent from 33% in 2023 to 26% in 2024, while leadership support has gained traction. Today only 18% of respondents cite lack of board/leadership support as a barrier, compared to 28% in 2023.
The growing leadership support for MACH could be, in part, due to the finding that respondents are seeing ROI from their MACH investment. Eighty-five percent said they see clear evidence they are achieving measurable return, and 91% say MACH and composable technology will be instrumental to the success of their organization in the next five years.
More IT Leaders See MACH as a Driver of Competitive Advantage
Improving the customer experience and innovating faster are key drivers for MACH adoption, according to the study. Further, a growing proportion see MACH as a way to improve their competitive advantage with 49% stating this is the case in 2024, compared to 39% in 2023.
Additionally, survey respondents cited the following as benefits of MACH and triggers for greater adoption:
“Our processes have become more streamlined and efficient to the point where we are seeing higher revenue,” wrote a respondent from a company with 10,000-24,999 employees in the retail sector.
“[MACH helps with] increasing the volume of achievement, increasing customer satisfaction, and increasing employee productivity,” wrote another respondent from a company with 5,000-9,999 employees in the construction sector.
However, some obstacles persist. Respondents highlighted challenges in understanding the trade-off between upfront costs and future benefits, end user and customer resistance to change, and reliance on vendors for ensuring continuous business operations as key obstacles to increased adoption. To address the commonly cited barriers to adoption, MACH Alliance is rolling-out an education program in Q2 aimed at helping companies solve these risks.
The MACH Alliance’s fourth annual survey had 551 completions from IT decision makers of director level and above. Its aim is to examine trends in MACH adoption and the internal and external factors influencing it. Thirty-seven percent of respondents were c-suite executives. The USA, UK, Germany and France were represented in the research. All respondents represent companies with at least 5,000 employees.
For complete details on the survey methodology and findings, or to learn how the MACH Alliance supports companies on their MACH transformation journey, please visit
About the MACH Alliance
The MACH Alliance is a [501(c)(6)] non-profit organization, governed by an independent board and does not endorse specific vendors, members or otherwise. The Alliance was formed in June 2020 to help enterprise organizations navigate the complex modern technology landscape. It aims to guide and show the business advantage of open tech ecosystems that are Microservices based, API-first, Cloud-native SaaS and Headless. All MACH Alliance members meet certification principles that are published on the website.
The MACH Alliance welcomes technology companies and individual industry experts who share the same vision for the future. Learn more at, read here about MACH certification and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.